A little bit of who we are & what we do

What we do and how?

The Uganda Air Traffic Controllers’ Association (UGATCA) is the professional body of Air Traffic Controllers in Uganda, and affiliates to ‘The International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations’ (IFATCA), founded through an abiding passion for air traffic control and flight safety in 1961.

Air Traffic Controllers worldwide are responsible for the safety of navigation in the airspace as they guide pilots and give clearances and instructions to ensure smooth movement of Aircraft.

NBS hosts Former Ugatca President on International Controller’s day

Air traffic controllers are responsible for directing the safe movement of aircraft arriving and departing from airports and along major air routes.

Shall be constituted during an Annual general meeting and shall be the supreme decision-making body of the Association. The Assembly shall lay down all policy guidelines of the Association using acceptable democratic procedures. It shall be attended by all registered Association members, associate, honorary, corporate and other members. Only full members shall be entitled to a vote.

Main Objectives of Ugatca:

The Uganda Air Traffic Controllers Association is a non- political, non-profit, professional body of Air Traffic Control Officers without discrimination on basis of gender, race, tribe, color, religious beliefs, and other matters involving members, whose objectives are to;

  • Create/improve public interest in Air Traffic Control and encourage participation in this field throughout Uganda so that UGATCA achieves its vision of growth, recognition and visibility.
  • Promote better understanding amongst members and other organizations, and to facilitate exchange of ideas with relevant associations within Uganda and internationally.
  • Afford a forum for discussion of aviation problems at large with particular emphasis on Air Traffic Control especially those affecting Uganda, and make the results of such discussions and proposals known to the appropriate authorities, thereafter ensure that they are implemented for the benefit of its members, the public and advancement of Aviation generally.
  • Be ready to offer advice to organizations or individuals on matters which fall within the Air Traffic Control field.
  • Welcome lectures or addresses by individuals interested in UGATCA’S cause, or from aviation experts or dignitaries.
  • Engage in social and/or charitable causes in line with promoting UGATCA’s cause.
  • Liaise with, make contacts with and sign agreements with any entity, local or international for purposes of attaining the Association’s objectives.
  • Do all such other things consistent with attaining the Association objectives.

UGATCA is duly registered with the URSB as a company limited by guarantee, and maintains a tax-exempt status in accordance with the Laws of Uganda.

Registration & Legislation of Ugatca