Our Services

What Service We Offer

The Objectives for which UGATCA was established are;

IFATCA Membership Affiliation

Ugatca subscribes and affiliates to the IFATCA international body of Air Traffic Controllers.

Professional Services

We offer technical advice to organizations or individuals on matters which fall within our field

Community & Charity Work

For a long time Ugatca has been offering volunteer services to many communities in areas we operate. We do offer Career Talks and Career Path advise to schools and Higher Insitutions of Learning.

Collaborate with Sister ATCO in other states

Over theyears we have partnered and collaborated with these Atco associations ;- KATCA, TATCA,

Collaboration with national Aviation Associations

We collaborate and partner with other professional associations working together for promotion of welfare of Aviation professionals

Member Welfare

UGATCA does have subscriber membership welfare services amoung which include RFA (Refundable Financial Assistance), Bereavement Fund, etc